An inner anxiety can be good - but also be grateful for what you have 

A lot of people are very driven in their lives. Now, that very often is a good thing and can act in our favour. Having drive, plans and ambitions to reach out goals is generally a good thing that provides orientation and a way forward. However, many of us need to find a balance here between go getting what’s next while at the same time appreciating what’s already there. That is of fundamental importance but so easy to miss out on.

I can speak from my own experience here. I really have learned by now that you can never have all your ducks in a row. This means, never will a situation occur where simply everything in your life is perfect. Forget about it. This means, there will always be things that are not ideal as you planned them or in line. There will therefore always be this next thing or something to chase.

On the other hand,in my case again, I have so much to be thankful for that so already as planned. I have a healthy and beautiful son, a great partner in life , a great home and generally a lot of reasons to be happy and fulfilled in my life. It really helps to tell us this more and more often, ideally daily in one form or another to not overlook what we already achieved, before rubbing again and chasing that new thing we feel is missing.

The idea is to get back to the moment sometimes. When our anxiety to go get what’s next becomes too overwhelming, it is good to reflect on all the things we should be grateful for. One that for example is constantly overlooked is health but if we are healthy every day that so definitely something to be grateful for.

We should be grateful for things like family, health as well as opportunities that we are faced with every day. This is import jet or build our self confidence, self value as well as to make us more resilient for things that might not work out as planned. By consciously reflecting on our achievements so far and things that are really good currently in our life, it will be much easier to get over ting that are not going well. And believe me, everybody had those ducks that are not in a row - every single person.

In summary, take time to be grateful and thankful for things going well in your life. It will boost your happiness and satisfaction while also building up resilience when things go wirkt and encourage you to try again. Tell yourself everyday what you want to be grateful for - it really helps to be happier and more fulfilled in your everyday life.


Communicate what you want loud and clear - eventually it will pay off 


Learn to be patient - your to do list is not always the priority