Don’t get angry over people that cannot communicate - just learn how to deal with them

We all know these people in our lives, the ones that we just do not get on with. An no matter how hard we try and try, we never get to terms with them. Very often, we then start to jump onto the emotional path rather than the rational, to find excuses and easily blame the other person for their actions. This is the easy way and what a lot of people jump to straight away. However, there is another way here, that might be harder, but will make us less anxious, stressed, and happier in the end. The best thing, both of those ways will not influence the other person, it will just give us piece of mind and a better acceptance of the situation.

It is a fact that a lot if not most disputes between people are related to communication. Very often, either there is a lack thereof, or two people just don’t seem to speak the same language when it comes to verbal and non – verbal communication. The dispute usually gets worse, when people with good and strong communication and interpersonal skills, meet or have to work with people who don’t have those at all. Very often, those people are however not even aware of their weak communication skills, which is why they often don’t understand perspectives of strong communicators. The most important factor to understand here, they very often don’t do bas communication intentionally, they just are not able to do any better. Also important, besides our best efforts, we cannot change them.

Once we have those two points clear, the question is how we then deal with these people as us being strong communicators without jumping into emotional arguments. The key is to stay calm, rational, and no get overwhelmed. While we cannot change people who don’t have those interpersonal skills, we CAN change our attitude and mindset about them.

Once we know and are aware of that they are not leaving out instructions or making things clear on purpose, but just because their skillset in that field is very thin, it is easier to be forgiving and stay on the rational path of dealing with those issues rather than getting emotional and playing blame games, which help nobody in the end and only make things worse. Not all people are amazing communicators, but to deal with them in the best possible way we can accept that and help them overcome their weaknesses by playing onto our own strengths.

For good and strong communicators, it is therefore essential to lay open gaps in giving people instructions that people with and communication skills might not even see. Also, strong communicators are very good at de-escalation of tense and difficult situations. Again, rather than focusing on the weaknesses or weak communicators, we should use our own strengths to make the job or dealing with them easier for ourselves by using our strength to cover up their weakness. Very often, we will see that they will even be thankful to us in the end.

Not everyone can master the art of communication. We must accept that. And while for strong communicators, that can be painful to deal with, we can ideally use our strength in communication to help them make working with us easier. At the end of the day, we all have the same goal here usually, so let’s make sure we get there with as little pain as possible. We still don’t have to like bad communicators, but at least this way we can work and deal with them in our lives.


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