If you have the motivation to discover in life - you are likely to find happiness in the end
Every single one of us is driven by something. I call this our primary motivate in life. It is the one thing we get out of bed in the morning for, the one thing that gets us, that is important to us and defines most of the actions and priorities we focus on during the day. Examples for motives include attitudes like appreciation, security as well as independence. One of those motives is also that of discovery. This is what we are going to explore a bit more in detail today.
I recently had a lot of visitors over and as a new mother on maternity leave had a lot of time to follow the motive of discovery by exploring the new area I recently had moved to. It led to me seeing a lot of new places, gaining new impressions and experiences every day, which even drive me out of my comfort zone exploring all of this with a three-week newborn. However, I loved it and am glad I did it with family and friends.
Discovery describes the motive to explore, to be curious. As with all motives n our life, discovery is one that we either have or we don’t - we cannot really develop this during our life. However, to have the motive discovery is a good one. It lets us see new things, find out about new places as well as it is a very communicative one as we constantly learn new things and explore new contacts around us. Discovery means not only to explore but to leave our comfort zone and go beyond what we know also constantly.
As an example, people that have the motivation discovery, are often real dowers that try a lot of things. They go to places they have never been, do things they never did and through this always learn and stay curious to discover new skills and go above and beyond their comforts zone. A person with motivation discovery can therefore do a lot of things such as driving a car, potentially play a lot of sports or knows a lot of places that are worth a visit. Hence, they are good people to talk to for tips and places to visit and explore.
Discovery is a strong motive for people that have driven. If you are driven and want to develop, discover is a great motivation to have as it will lead to constantly move forward, learn and for you to never stand still in your development. Discovery means thriving, even sometimes being anxious but on the positive side it will lead you to get to know a lot of new things and constantly expand your horizon. Especially when getting older, discovery is a very great motive in life to stay a bit younger for longer and go with the trends of the time 😊
Everyone has a motive in life – discovery is just one of them we highlighted today. Discovery means curiosity and can break down fears by trying things out and walking through the world with an open mind. Staying alert of trends and constantly learning new skills are all for people that discover. The world is full of opportunities, we only must see them, that is a classic way of discoverer thinking. So, try things, be alert, and you are more likely to find success through enhancing both your skills and your horizons.