Giving something back can feel awesome - even something very small.

We have this tradition in my company for September being the month of caring. I really like the idea of dedicating the entire month of September towards giving back. In our hectic day to day life, it is very often difficult to take time out to reflect on what we can give back every day. It does not always have to be the big thing that we planned - it can also be very small things that make a huge difference.

Giving back is something very positive as it creates the win - win situation that we and the person we gave back to feel better after. Hence, why not spend more time to give back? I give you an example.

I was planning to take part in a big charity project this week which was about rebuilding a playground for children. However, my son got sick, and I never made it there. While that made me feel very disappointed, I still felt I did something great that day by just being there for my son when he went through a hard time being ill. While I therefore was not able to care and give back in the big way, simply being at home that day with my son and hugging him made a huge difference.

Caring therefore and giving back can have many forms. It can be a hug or a thanks you - that’s sometimes all it takes. We don’t always have to give back in the big moments - with small things like helping out a friend or being there for our children or partner we can have a huge impact and show that we care.

I invite you therefore to use this month to think about the little moments that you can show you care and help and support others in many ways. You will see it will make you feel awesome by just simply giving back. The effort is minimal, but the effects are enormous.

So try it, go out there and explore those little moments to express care.


Constructive feedback - it’s not an attack but a blessing for development


Getting out of your comfort zone is hard - but it feels so good when done well