It is ok to admit mistakes - you can’t always get it right
We all know the feeling of making mistakes, and for most of us it is not something that we particularly enjoy or are proud of. Making mistakes can suck, because we must admit that we were wrong, that we made a wrong decisions or choice. While many of us are confident enough to admit this to themselves at some point, the trouble starts when we must admit this to or in front of others. Standing up for our mistakes is something we really struggle with, especially in a work context. What we must understand though, is that making mistakes is ok and standing up for them in front of others really is a sign of strengths rather than weakness.
Every single one of us makes mistakes and sometimes gets it wrong. I would even go so far to say, getting it wrong sometimes is a good thing, as it shows that we are taking responsibility for our lives through active decision making. The downside of course, when people make decisions, is that they automatically also make mistakes. It is unavoidable to get it wrong sometimes, but this should not let us shy away from making decisions in the first place. Making decisions and choices is important for us to move forward and progress – however we do sometimes get it wrong.
When we make choices, of course, we make mistakes. However, we need to change our mindset from seeing mistakes primarily as something positive. I know this sounds very strange as many of us see mistakes only as personal failure and associate them with negativity - however, mistakes can also be seen as positive learnings to avoid further mistakes and be more successful for the future.
We need to therefore change our mindset when it comes to mistakes. Once we do this, it will become easier for us to accept them and even own up to them in front of others, as we feel less blame and shame for making them in the first place. Rather, we own up to them which will make us grow. Important here, when other around us at work or in private share the same outlook on mistakes it becomes even easier.
With a mentality of trial and error rather than blame and failure on owing up to mistakes, even people around us will benefit. Teams we work in this way become more efficient, learn faster, and have better credentials for a successful future. It is ok to make mistakes, owning up to them is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. Once we understand that, we are less embarrassed by our mistakes, and we are more open to learn fast from them and move on.
Making mistakes therefore is a natural phenomenon that happens to everyone. What we need to learn is that mistakes are not a sign of failure and negativity while of course never pleasant, but rather a way for us to show strength, endurance and show leadership by owning up to mistakes we make in front of ours. Mistakes help us to learn, get up and move on. We will come out of it stronger in the end and will also inspire those around us to do the same so we can learn and move forward together. Make mistakes, it shows you are active and engaged and you cannot get everything right. Nobody does. In fact, if you can get things right in 50% if cases, you are already clearly winning. So get out there make mistakes and own up to them – it will make you happy and be a path for personal and professional growth.