Kindness does but come natural - it is a skill that we learn
Sometimes we go through these times where we just have to step up for others. My family is facing a bit of that time at the moment. We just have to be there then for others and don’t ask a lot of questions or demand anything back. This is really our time to step up and show kindness and support. However, for some of us this can be incredibly difficult, especially when we are dealing with things ourselves and are not sure on our own emotions. Therefore, kindness is not necessarily something that comes natural for many of us - it is a skill to learn.
All of is go through those difficult times where we face someday news or tragedies in life. Usually, those are the times when our relationships get tested the most. Those are the times, where we need to go the extra mile, be selfless and just do our part to support others who need it more than us. This is however easier said than done, as some people are kinder than others, naturally. So what makes us a kind person and how can we step up.
Kindness really means we listen and we put our own interested aback to focus on the needs of others. In Northern Europe, where culturally we are a bit more closed up and often self centred, this is more difficult than in other cultures where families and communities are everything. However, the great news is, we can lean kindness and grow it within us. So how do we do this ?
Firstly by constantly reminding ourselves that when we are kind it is not about us.
We really only need to listen to others and show our support. However, at the same time put our own demand and needs at the very end of the line. Self centred is quite the opposite of kindness .
Secondly, we need to remember that everyone deals with situations differently and there is not right or wrong. Some people like to talk others don’t - so kindness means we give people space when they need it as well. We support, but we know when to back off too .
Kindness is an act of love and care . It is deep within us , however for some of us, it’s more of value than for others. We need to learn to be kind to one another - as then we can get through things together - stronger through the act of care.