Never loose focus on what you want - eventually you will get there

We all know this feeling when you tell people about your dreams and only get a lot of smiles and laughter back. Clearly not the best of feelings as very often others do not take us serious for our dreams and aspirations. Personally, I find this really frustrating. Those dreams and aspirations are the most important to get us going, to make sure we don’t loose focus and to give us purpose and resilience even in hard times. Those goals we have are therefore nothing others have the right to make fun of. 

Everybody should have dreams and aspirations in their life. What is this one thing we always wanted to achieve or what we really want to do to feel fulfilled and happy. Now you might argue, especially those dreams are often not very realistic. While this might be true, it is not so much about the dream itself but about the journey that gets us there. The journey itself will already move us much closer to what we want.

An example, a lot of people have the dreams to live by the sea. Now as we all know houses by the sea in countries like Spain are very expensive, however we might end up living by the sea in a small town in Scotland or Irland where living and property costs are not as high. Maybe we therefore do not love by the sea as we imagined initially but we still reached that lifetime goal or dream of ours. 

The key with aspirations is therefore to stay open minded and see it as a journey that will eventually get us there or very close to it - bit by bit. The one thing we should not do is to loose focus on the journey or not believe in ourselves. I am convinced we can achieve a lot if we focus on the right things at the right time. Our dreams are a good way to get that endurance and focus in our life. 

Dreams and aspirations are therefore not to make fun of. They are very often things that seem very out of reach at a moment I time but that does not mean we will never get there. Dreams are also not thought out  concepts or plans - but they are a very strong driving force nevertheless. Once we start to go on the journey of achieving our dreams, the  goals and more concrete plans of how to get there develop over time.  

Never let someone make fun of your dreams. They are your engine, the heart and soul of you that gets you out of bed and going every day. Everybody deserves to have dreams that give us guidance and focus. The journey is already part of achieving our dreams. Not every dream change he achieved but developing on the journey way to get there very often is already enough of a satisfaction for us to lead to happiness and fulfilment. Never loos focus and it will get you get on the path to reach your dreams. 


Don’t try to please everyone - setting priorities is absolutely essential


Acting in a team is much better than always going it alone