We must learn to take on responsibility again and stand up for our mistakes
and not always for the better. It is expected of us to adopt, embrace change and cope with it in the best possible way, while living a happy life still on the side. For many of us, this constant dynamic change can be overwhelming. As a reaction, we therefore escape. This escape to constant change around us that can be very tiering manifests in various forms. Many of us decide to move to the countryside, live a life in nature rather than in big cities and others fully concentrate their live on their family all together. The tricky bit of that escape is the fact that many of us don’t want to take on individual responsibilities anymore. We don’t want the weight of making decisions on our shoulders and more importantly bearing the consequences in a positive but more so in a negative outcome way. It is a shame that a lot of younger people want to hide behind managers in the office, rather than going out there, making radical and bold decisions and also standing up for their mistakes. Only then will we become leaders, rather than passive followers.
Leadership in general is hard work, and not everyone can and should be a leader. Leaders make bold decisions, are not afraid to be wrong and especially want to constantly take on more responsibility for their decisions. They are not afraid to be wrong and to stand up for their mistakes. However, in a world where our parents are constantly trying to protect us from all harm from a very young age, people more and more shy away from those leadership characteristics and decide to avoid making their own decisions and bold choices, as this seem to be a lot harder and more effort than just following patterns and kind of doing what everyone around them does.
As a society there, we need to learn again that it is ok to fail. It is ok to make wrong decisions, but we have to learn again to make them and then stand up for our mistakes. In today’s corporate world, not many people want to make decisions in the first place, nor do they actively then want to take responsibility for being wrong. It comes from a deep fear of failure and the constant desire to “look good” in the eyes of our piers. However, the road to success is a different one.
Successful people are primarily authentic people. People that exactly make those bold decisions necessary to make in tough corporate environments and that are resilient enough to flourish in difficult circumstances as well as good times. Those people are not shying away from difficult and harsh realities and constantly adjust to change around them. We need more of those people again that actively want to create, do something and thrive.
However, as mentioned, not everyone can be a leader. However, everyone can learn to take on responsibility again, to make mistakes and stand up for them, rather than hiding behind others just to not be seen as someone who failed or made mistakes. People who have average ideas will also always get average returns. We need to reward people again that make bold decisions and take on great responsibility to drive things forward. It will be rewarding both for themselves and for others. We need a spirit of entrepreneurism and “can do” mentality again rather than passive decision making.
Change will be the only constant in our lives, that is for certain. We now have a choice of making bold adaptations and decisions that move us forward and create leaders, or we just administer the status quo. We need leaders, so let’s go out there and find them.