Where there is a will - there is a way – always.
In life, there are two types of people - the ones that love to talk about things and the ones that get things done. I would count myself more to the latter group. The stressful part is, if you are one of those people that get things done and are highly efficient in their actions, while that can be a blessing, it can also be a real curse. Because being efficient and getting things done also always means dealing with lots of challenges and obstacles along the way. This means, if we have a doer mentality, we also need to be real problem solvers as people will always put reasons in our way why things will not work out as planned. While sometimes that is reasonable, most of the time, where there is a will, there is also a way. However, there are also a few things we can do to make sure we get there with as little pain as possible.
Firstly, to be efficient and get what we want, being very clear about what exactly the result we want to see must be is key. It is quite shocking how many people get this wrong, as they are not able to clearly define and pin their work down to and end goals. We want to make sure the desired result is as precisely formulated as possible. This will save a lot of obstacles on the way already which might occur as a lack or misunderstanding of communication. Making our end goal and what exactly we want to achieve as clear as possible is absolute key to get there fast and in the most efficient way.
Secondly, to follow the spirit, where there is a will, there is a way, we need to be real optimists. We need to constantly visualize a positive result for us. This will be very powerful to keep us going and keep our spirits high, while we face a lot of doubters and people telling us things might not be possible. Remember, a lot of innovations would have never happened had their inventors listened to those doubters and followed their concerns.
The third ingredient to being efficient is to develop into real problem solvers. People who are efficient know that technically every obstacle on their way can be overcome with a solution – they only have to be creative enough to find it and not give up along the way. The needed mentality really is that there is always a solution for each problem – however not many people have that mentality and go through the effort of finding it – it is much easier to give up along the way and quit. Finding solutions can be tedious and time consuming but as optimists we always have to eye the reward when we get there and endure the painful process. However, we need to lean that every problem is a chance for us to grow along the way and come up with solutions.
We need to decide if we want to become people that want to do things, or people that want to talk about things mainly. If we want to be efficient and become real doers, a few traits are very handy to have to make the journey to success more enjoyable. Being precise about the end goal from the start to avoid misunderstandings, as well as being optimistic about getting there and developing into a real problem solver are key ingredients that will set us up for success to develop a real where there is a will there is a way mentality. The key is to work on our mindset to really make those three parts of our daily DNA to operate. Remember, where there is a will there is a way - that goes always a long way and can lead to amazing things happening - as long as we don’t give into the negativity and doubters around us.