10 Minutes of me time a day…
Especially in these times a lot of people are anxious and a lot more on edge than usual due to external circumstances and constantly changing living situations almost daily. Therefore, it is even more important that we take time to care for ourselves and our inner health.
It is important that we firstly make a deal with ourselves and our diary to plan in 10 minutes of inner health or mindfulness on a day. We need to integrate this in our daily routine and make it almost an appointment with ourselves. Some of us will prefer doing it first thing in the morning, others more after work in the evening. It does not matter when we do it, it matters THAT we do it.
There are several apps to help us here, my favourite one being headspace. There are various programmes to choose from, be it for dealing with stress or sleep assistance, whatever you prefer.
Once we have a quiet minute in the day, it is important that we breath in an out calmly and get a conscious feeling on our breath. The number one idea in mindfulness “concentrate on the breath”. All our anxieties and worries are shut out for a while and we can fully concentrate on our inner self and reflect on our current situation.
Most people become anxious because they don’t manage to live in the here and now. With mindfulness or “me time” during your day you manage to concentrate for at least 10 minutes a day to live in the moment and only in the moment.
The more you practice mindfulness, the more you will learn about yourself and to live in the moment more often and not worry about tomorrow all the time. It is always good to have a plan somewhere in the back of our minds, but this should not overwhelm us and stress us to the extend to deprive on our inner happiness and balance.
10 minutes me time a day can already have a great impact here. Just try it and see how it changes your mindset and helps you become happy and fulfilled from within over time.
This will also help you progress in coaching as it will make you open for new things and thoughts in the moment rather than always jumping 10 steps ahead in your mind, focusing on what will happen tomorrow. This can cause stress and pile up unwanted pressure on yourself. Be open and make me time a consistent fixed part of your day and you achieved the first milestone for inner fulfilment and happiness.