Becoming self-confident by finding our inner strengths

In an ever more challenging and self-focused world we live in, self-confidence is key for having a successful career. We need to learn to be self-confident and clearly say what we want and what we stand against, especially when female.

However, especially people at early stages of their career very often struggle with being self-confident employees, in front of their peers, as well as in front of their managers. But what keeps us from being self-confidence all together?

Self-confidence very often starts with self-awareness. Who are we really, what is important to us, what do we believe in and value in life? Very often people struggle to reflect on themselves and answer those core questions in a clear and consistent way. In many cases, the answers can be tackled to our core values, of course heavily influences by factors like our upbringing, social contacts, the environment we live in an many more.

However, answering those questions can lead to us discovering our core values – the first step towards developing self-awareness and later self-confidence.

As a second stage, after knowing what our values and core beliefs are, we have to find our strengths. What are we really good at and enjoy doing? What can we naturally do a lot better than others? Those questions will lead us to discover our core strengths.

Bringing it together, knowing who we are, our core beliefs and what we stand for as a person, together with having a clear idea of our individual strengths will let us reach self-awareness. Being aware of ourselves helps us to find our place in this world and will automatically lead to building a vision of the future. This will then translate into clear strategies and objectives on what we want to achieve and where we see our life going over the coming years.

Having found our place in the world, together with developing a clear vision of our life based on our core values and beliefs we are aware of, will lead to us becoming self-confident individuals that have a clear path for their life and have the confidence and inner strengths to share it with others.

Finding self-confidence is therefore a journey with various sub-parts. First we need to know our values and beliefs, then finding our strengths is key and lastly having a clear vision and strategy for the future will let us become self-confident about ourselves which we then automatically convey onto others around us.






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