Be courageous to explore something new - it will pay off

For many of us, there comes a time in our careers where we feel the need to try something new. Where we feel like we are stuck in our day-to-day routine doing similar tasks day in day out. Many of us then start to focus more on other important things in life besides our job, such as founding a family. However, while this is also important and can be satisfying, it does not kill the desire to get out of our comfort zone and try something new. We need to know though that this clearly is a risk, and we might have to pay a price for this – the good news, it will be more than worth it.

We live in a world where currently many people and driven by negativity and fear of tomorrow. In the news, we constantly hear negativity and get projections of an apocalyptic future. While it is important to stay up to date on the news, we need to make sure not to join into that choir around us of negativity and apocalyptic fear. The future is still bright, we just need to chase the opportunities that are out there - and the great news - there will always be opportunities out there - even in the most challenging times.

When we embrace opportunities, we will automatically be willing to be flexible enough to feel an underlying excitement in throwing ourselves at exploring new things both in our work life as well as in private setting. When exploring something new, we advance our skills, we develop, and we are fulfilled by having thrown ourselves into something new where we learn every day. Our efforts will pay off, whether we like the new developments or now.

Also, what plays into trying something new becoming easier, is that fact that things around us change all the time anyway. We cannot eliminate change in our lives, so we should rather go for active change and actively chase new things that will broaden our horizons of thinking and doing things, rather than passively waiting for change to happened.

What keeps many of us from chasing new opportunities is the fear of failure and things not working out as planned. We love security and things we know and are familiar with as those pretend top give us that security we seek. However, in today’s uncertain time, everything changes, and nothing is secure. That’s sounds terrifying but more and more people realize this. We cannot and should not try to achieve maximum security - as it will block us from change and development. We need to learn to live with uncertainty around us and to embrace it as an opportunity rather than a constant fear we try to avoid.

When we do, we can explore new things and develop. The great thing is, even if things don’t work out as planned, we still develop and will be smarter after trying things than we were before. For example, if we do an internship for a new job position, even if we don’t enjoy the job in the end, we still learned something and extended our skills, which can only be useful later in our careers.

It nis therefore never wrong to explore new things and be curious. Curiosity is key to develop and live a more fulfilled life in the end. We are flexible enough to discover new things, learn new skills and more and more get out of our current comfort zone. It will lead to us staying mentally engaged, and not to join into the monotonous choir of negativity currently around us. Go get hats next is the motto here - it is up to you to decide what that is, and you can be the author of a new chapter of your life lying a head. It is something to be excited about rather than scared of - always remember that.


Enjoy your holidays - and at least try to really switch off


If you do your best - that’s always enough