Being anxious is ok - but it should not take over our life
We have around a million reasons to be anxious at the moment – we are still in a global pandemic, the first countries are going into lockdowns again and the future is more uncertain than ever, especially for the young. A lot of us are therefore overwhelmed by a constant stream of disastrous media streams coming at us with more and more horrible news every day. One might say the only option for us is to stay in the safe environment of our bedrooms and not get involved with the crucial world out there. The good news is, there is another way.
There is no doubt that we live in difficult times, however we also live in the best times we ever did. A lot of us in the western world live under the best conditions humanity every did. We never had as many options around us to live a fulfilled and happy life than now. We should not forget that. While some of us are getting lost in their anxieties due to an overwhelming negativity in the media and world around us, others see the biggest opportunities for themselves and are having the best time ever? How is this possible?
The answer is our inner mindset. It is ok to be anxious, but we have to be careful not to be overwhelmed by this feeling. But how is this possible. With a few simple tips:
Celebrate the small successes and things
We need to learn again to appreciate the small things in life. For example, some people have a success diary, where they write down what went well at the end of every day. This can help us develop a more positive mindset
Take timeouts – especially from the media
Negativity in the media sells much better than positivity. It is important to take timeout from this stream of negativity as it triggers anxiety in many of us. Taking time where we don’t consume the news constantly or login into our social media channels is therefore essential.
Don’t look too much at the big picture
Constantly looking at the big picture and seeing every decision as a major one can quickly led us to become overwhelmed and anxious to make mistakes. This leads to us avoiding making decisions. We should therefore break large changes down to smaller ones as well as decisions they involve and take one step at the time. We don’t always need to know the big picture and can sometimes just learn to live at the moment without a big plan at the back of our minds. That can be very difficult for many, but it really helps to reduce our inner stress.
If we apply some of those tips, we will see that we become more relaxed, and our mindset will change. At the beginning, it’s best to consciously apply those and take time out of our day to day to practice them. Over time, those will be integrated into our routine, and we will see that we feel less anxious and happier. It will help us to, in a world of negativity, be positive and enjoy life to not only see fear but also opportunities that lie ahead of us every day.