Don’t forget to appreciate the small things - they are often the most important 

For many of us January can be a pretty depressing time - it is cold and dark most of the day and we have plenty of bills to pay and admin things to do. For me personally, January is also always a health month where a few health tests become due, all for precaution of course. For me therefore, January is always a month once I get all clear, to really appreciate the things that in our day-to-day life we take for granted such as health. Health is something so important that we only appreciate once we get sick. And there are many examples of those small things we need to appreciate more. Let’s start now.

We all have busy and hectic lives where there often is not much room to appreciating the small moments and be grateful. However, there are always ways how we can take a moment for ourselves to do so. The key here is awareness.

One very good way to reflect on small great things happening around us is to meditate. This might be a big word for some of us but what it really means is to take a time out, sit down and allow ourselves time to switch off. This way, our stress levels are likely to come down over time, so we are able to appreciate the world around us more as we have more bandwidth.

Secondly, a journal can be a great way to consciously report and reflect on all the small and good things that happened to us within a day or given timeframe. Take 5 minutes at the end of the day to write two to three things down that went rally well today and even better things that you are grateful for today. It will allow you to look back and appreciate things more.

Lastly, and my doctor tells me this all the time, be kinder to yourself. It is ok not to get through your entire to do list in a day. It is ok if you need a time out, we don’t have to be perfect all the time. The idea here is live a little, so that you have time and energy to see what to be grateful for in your life. Treat yourself when possible and do more of what you want to do without neglecting the needs of others.

Those three, meditation a highlight journal as well as taking conscious time outs for doing things you personally really enjoy will all help you to not get caught up in the day to day rush but have time and mental energy to appreciate small things such as your health and your family to be grateful for. What you will see is that those things you might see as small, are often the most important that we should devote more energy and appreciation to. Try it – it will do you good.


Happy new year - let’s stress less