Happy new year - let’s stress less

It is the first week back for many after a well deserved Christmas break. And, it is also a new year where many of us are taking the time to reflect and make decisions that will bring sometimes small sometimes big changes for many of us. Maybe we are thinking about relocation, maybe we are hoping to find a new partner or maybe we only think about our next holiday to book. Whatever it is , it is important that we understand the excitement of those changes and don’t look at them in fear. We should stress less about things coming our way in the new year - that certainly is one of my top New Year’s resolutions for 2025.  

This is all well and good we can have New Year’s resolutions of putting less stress on ourselves but once we are back in the day to day it becomes very hard to actually do so. However, there are a few really easy things we can do and integrate in our lives every day to achieve this.  

Firstly, take a me moment every morning. I started getting up half an hour ealrier every morning than my kids and it is amazing. I have time to get ready, have a coffee and just sit in silence for myself for a moment before the daily madness starts again. It is amazing how half an hours of me time can change your anti stress batteries for the whole day.  

Secondly, when things seem to be overwhelming and everyone seems to want something form you - take a deep breath. I know this sounds stupid, but it is very effective to break the feeling and stress and focus on the here and now . After, take one steps after another and just start. You will see it is less overwhelming than you think. 

Lastly, I think being realistic about what we can and can’t do and not wanting everything at the same time is very important. Life is made up of different pillars and we cannot focus on all of them in the same intensity at the same time. Therefore, it is ok to take time outs in some and be more focused on others. 

Stress is the main reason why physical and mental health are declining. I really want to try and reduce my mental stress levels this year - let’s see how I go. 


Don’t forget to appreciate the small things - they are often the most important 


Merry Christmas and a happy 2025 !