Great feedback cannot be valued enough - even if we don’t always like to hear it
We all know this feeling when something we worked very hard for did not quite work out in our favour. This can be very painful and it always takes a while to reflect and get over it. The good news is that- we will get over it and over time can move on. However, rather than just moving on - we can still turn the negative into something positive by being open for feedback and taking learnings and development to have a better experience next time.
The golden word here is feedback. Whenever we feel something we worked hard for failed, the best we can do is to be open for feedback, evaluate, reflects and work on key learnings to potentially be successful in the near future. This way, we can turn a failure into a success and into something positive for our career and life in general.
Of course, we can only be open for feedback after a bit of a cooling off period. We feel disappointed at first and that is totally fine and we should let those emotions be and reflect them. The worst we can do is ignore those as this will just lead to feeling more depressed. Even talking to others about how we feel can help.
Once however the dust has settled a bit, we should really ask for feedback. Feedback is something that can really help us to identify strengths, weaknesses and things we are lacking to work on for us to be successful in the future. Asking for feedback is always seen as positive as it shows how eager we are to learn and develop.
Giving feedback however is a skill too. The person giving feedback to us should cover both positive and negative aspects and show us perspectives of what we can work on moving forward. This will help us to develop, learn and grow from the situation.
Of course, we don’t have to always agree with all the feedback we are getting and can challenge it - however we should always reflect on it, take it serious and even if we don’t agree with all of it work on the bits we do agree with.
Something not working out can always be painful. However we have the skill to even turn this into a positive for us . The key is feedback, reflection and future development resulting from this.