Sometimes doing something crazy is just the right thing. 

I don’t think I have ever done something crazy or out of plan in my life. That’s what a lot of people might say or think. While having a sense for security and order is good it stops us from living a little a d having some fun in life . If we never do anything crazy or not thought through that can be pretty sad.

Of course, first off , we should not do anything non rational without ever considering the implied risks. Doing something crazy or slightly out of line does not mean to just go for it without thinking. It means to carefully consider but then, rather than thinking it through again and again to just go for it , even if not everything is clear or planned out at this stage. The excitement here is for us to then just see what happens and go with the flow . The risk however when things go wrong should not overwhelm us. Don’t something crazy with a calculated risk is the way to go.

An example could be us buying something in a month that we know we cannot really afford. Of course, we should not heavily overwhelm us financially - but maybe we can just get this one thing that we know is not wise but we really go for it at this point . Rationally , everything might speak against it but our gut feeling just tells us against all odds to do it.

What scares many people about those kind of decisions is the uncertainty they being with them. We go a bit into the unknown and cannot really comprehend the outcome. If we buy this will we financially overwhelm ourselves ? Will we be able to pay other expenses ? This is the kind of uncertainty people are scared of when they make these irrational decisions.

It also is hugely influenced by our personality. Some people just naturally are more rational than others and that’s to totally fine . But those people who usually have a very high sense of control just need to learn to let go sometimes to give life that extra piece of enjoyment. When everything is always planned and controlled life can be pretty boring :)

Luckily, most decisions that we make in life are rational ones that involve very little risk. That is a good thing as it means we are in control of our actions and have our life in order. However we should try and add that extra sparkle of making some decisions that are bit perfectly planned out and just follow our gut feeling. It will make life more emotional and more fun all together. However, even those crazy decisions should come about with a calculated risk - that really is the winning formula.


Great feedback cannot be valued enough - even if we don’t always like to hear it 


There will always be change - learn to love with it rather than fearing it