There will always be change - learn to love with it rather than fearing it
This year really has been my year of change. I will soon be turning 34 and I really feel like in the last two years specifically my life has turned upside down. New home, first child and even trying to get into a slightly new position at works - lots of change. However, if you want to develop it’s time to realise that there will always be lots of change. So the ealrier we learn to live with it and build a form of resilience the better.
While on the one hand, this might excite a lot of people, change can also be very scary for others. For those of us that like routing and need anchors in life to refer back to and get stability from, rapid and unexpected change can be especially hard.
Unfortunately, we cannot avoid or escape change. Change will always get us in the end we can only decide if we want to perceive it in an active or a passive way. Change is imminent in life, but we can work on our reaction and perception of it. Do we see change as an opportunity or a threat ? It’s our choice and only depends on our mindest.
Most people unfortunately consume change in a very passive way. Change comes about via outside circumstances people feels that cannot influence. If the change is positive they consider it luck, if the change ends up being negative, they become bitter. This also results in most people being scared of change and seeing it as negative.
What is we change towards a more active perception of change ? The idea here is that we constantly have to change to develop and get better in what we do - so rather than hindering us change can make us grow and develop and therefore, while it might involve some tough decisions make us improve and come out stronger in the end. Those of us who actively chase change and development are also the ones that build a lot more resilience on how we deal with change over time.
Change can be a good thing. The uncertainty that comes with it might be scary but we cannot escape change. When we understand that - we should make it a consistent part of our life and learn how to see it as opportunities to grow rather than threats to break through our usual routines. Learn to embrace change it will come your way anyway. However, always ask yourself and reflect if where you stand still is the right path - but that’s a whole other topic.
Change is gods let’s embrace it and see what comes next.