Have a little faith in yourself
It is easy to be very hard on ourselves all the time. However, what is easy is not always good or right. We should stop doubting ourselves all the time and constantly fight those feelings of not being good enough. We are good enough and we don’t always need to feel like we have to be on the same level as everyone around us. Everyone’s circumstances are different, people deal with different issues and problems every day and can’t always give us their full attention. We don’t however automatically go into this state of self-doubt - just because something might not have gone 100% according to our plan.
I am very guilty of this myself. People really like to be appreciated; some need more appreciation some less. For some of us., if we don’t get appreciation for a while form people around us, self-doubt kicks in. Really, it should not. We need to learn to appreciate ourselves from within and not wait for other to do so. Self-believe is something very important, that we constantly have to work on.
It is very easy to tell ourselves when we haven’t done something well, but for many it seems to be even harder to tab ourselves on the shoulder sometimes and tell us what a great job we did today. We should all do this more often to feel good about ourselves. Surely, we can all find one thing a day that we did not do well or that had not worked out - but how about we find one every day that did work our very well due to our hard work and effort. This can be an incredible motivator that can help us build self-believe from within, rather than waiting for appreciation all the time from the world around us.
We need to learn to have faith in ourselves and constantly build that high level of confidence. That does of course not mean that we should not be realistic towards our strengths and weaknesses that we all surely have, but telling ourselves regularly how great we are is not a bad thing. In a world where we are faced with a lot of anxiety and bad news every day, celebrating small wins for ourselves can really make us feel great.
We should all keep trying to have more faith in ourselves that we are doing a great job everyday - try it it can really boost your happiness. Don’t wait for other to tell you that you are awesome - do it yourself and boost your inner happiness. The complicments of others will follow.