Sometimes you just have to have guts and go for it

I had quite a week this week - my family and I we bought our first ever property in the UK. But it started out quite dramatic and it reminded me of the facts that you can plan everything in the smallest details and make it extra secure but sometimes you just have to make fast decisions and have guts. For people like me this is extra hard, as we hate uncertainty and try to avoid it at any cost, which is the exact contrast to fast decision making and being spontaneous. However, sometimes you just have to have guts and risk it -as risks can sometimes actually be regarding for the uncertainty you faced rather than going it all secure.

Many of us shy away from taking risks -and generally that is not a bad thing as it prevents us from making decisions based on gambles. Risk always means uncertainty and while there are risks, we can take, generally to exercise a sense of caution is a great way to keep us out of trouble.

However, there are times where outside circumstances force us to make a fast decision. Fast decisions are usually based on emotions, rather than rational information and thinking as those take more time to progress. Generally, emotional decisions are always a bit of a gamble as rather than relying on clear and concise facts, we rely on gut feeling. However, that does not always have to be a bad thing as we still have a 50% chance of things working out which is way better than nothing.

Of course, we should only make decisions fast and on an emotional basis that do not overwhelm us in terms of taking risks. We cannot base certain decisions that can ruin us purely on emotions and here it is certainly better to wait and make informed decisions rather than rushing into it. However, those that don’t ruin us, we can try and take a risk more often, we it will also make us more risk averse and allow us to deal with uncertainty in a much better way.

For my family, it worked out in the end, and it was worth taking the risk - while this is of course not always the case, it is worth trying and just trust your gut from time to time. It will help us deal better with risks in general. Let’s all trust our gut a bit more - it might just about pay off.


Change is nothing to be afraid of - it can be a force for good


Risks are part of life - but make sure they are manageable