Tame your inner hurricane - it will allow you to live in the moment!
I am in my early thirties and usually this is a time where a lot is going on in your life . You are looking to have a family, maybe already small children are there and take up a lot of time. Further, you want to finally buy that home and stop renting forever, while at the same time your career and your next move are also important to you. That is a lot to have on your plate and easily can get very overwhelming. All these things combined is what I call the inner hurricane that is in us and that we wake up with and face every day . It is that tiny voice in our head that never lets us rest. The idea is to be able to tame that hurricane and learn to live in the moment again.
This is however easier said than done for the most of us. If we take the hurricane a lot of us feel like we are lacking progress and are not moving forward. That is not what taming means. It is very important when you are young to know what you want and to have those big goals and visions what you want your life to be and what you want to achieve. However, while planning and having goals is great and will drive you forward - the clue is to not get overwhelmed by thinking about it all the time and also have days where we just love the moment and don’t always attempt to live in the tomorrow.
This taking a step back and just enjoying for a moment where we got to is really what taming of that storm inside our minds means. It means think, plan but don’t loose out on the fun while doing it .
But how can you then tame that hurricane? The first step I guess is to consciously recognise and appreciate the hurricane is there and when it is the strongest. What trigger points do you have when you really feel that hurricane go wild? Once you reflected on that, you are able to consciously realise when the hurricane comes - you can breathe and say hello hurricane it’s you again and then let it go and be back in the moment, here and now. This way, you know and picture very clearly when anxiety kicks in and you can deal with it better on that moment.
A second way is to build in as many me moments into your daily life as you can . Small moment where you do things you want to do like listen to a podcast or just have a cup of coffee with a friend. Me moments will also make the inner hurricane smaller and easier to handle as you will feel happier and more relaxed overall.
We all have a lot on our plates. Therefore, we all know the inner hurricane. The idea is however to tame it, not to slow it disappear. This way we can move forward to achieve our goals while still not stressing and missing out on the moment.