The power of the autosuggestion

Through coaching and meditation becoming more and more popular for many of us in our daily lives, also due to enhances stress and pressure we face, for many of us “autosuggestion” is not an unknown subject anymore. It goes back a long way in history but has never lost any of its meaning and power to shift our minds towards positivity and self-belief. Whoever says autosuggestions are stupid or only done by crazy people has never experiences its power and frankly does not know what they are talking about.

I personally have learned about autosuggestion when I was a teenager. Building up self-confidence during this time of inner turmoil can be a very tough task. Here, autosuggestions can work miracles, especially in environments such as schools where our inner self-belief is constantly put to a test. So, what are autosuggestions and what makes them so powerful?

At first sight, an autosuggestion is us standing in front of the mirror every day, looking ourselves in the eyes and reading out loud some lines, tailored to our inner strengths and weaknesses. However, this is only half the truth. Under the surface, when we tell ourselves those lines to boost our inner confidence, a shift of our mind occurs over time in an unconscious way. This shift of mind is what can make all the difference.

It is a known fact, that if you tell yourself things repeatedly, both positive and negative, you start to really belief it. For example, if you experience a lack of self – confidence, if you tell yourself when looking in the mirror every morning, that you are a beautiful and strong woman, perfect the way you are, over time you start to believe it. It will sink into your unconscious being, you will start to walk straight, look people in the eyes and express that you really feel like a beautiful and strong woman. It works both in a positive and negative way, however autosuggestions are mainly used in a positive context to overcome some personal issues or problems.

The key is, to find the right lines. This is an art and requires a lot of self – reflection. The lines for our own personal autosuggestion really have to hit is in the heart. They must address our core fears, weaknesses, issues and desires, in order to make an impact. Emotions in us have to be triggered when reading those lines, that allow us to really be in the moment when we tell ourselves that we are awesome. For many of us, this is an utterly uncomfortable situation to put ourselves on the spot like this and face our inner issues we want to work on. The beauty is, as long as we use the right words, autosuggestions work everywhere in any context and moment, as long as we choose the lines to tell ourselves over and over again carefully.

Autosuggestions are a great tool to use in a private and personal space to work on characteristics we might not like about ourselves at the moment. Very often, especially during the early stages, it is not very useful to tell others about them, as very often they are very relevant to us personally, and not everyone around us might understand the power and need for using them in our daily lives. They are a tool to use in private and intimate moments, not to be shouted out to the crowds.

Autosuggestions are a tool of immense power, influencing our self-reflections and minds in an unconscious way. The art is to make the conscious saying of lines, imprint in our unconscious being and mindset. If we manage to achieve this, which takes time and practice, nothing can stop us, as we have learned how to influence our mind to achieve our full inner potential. We have learned to establish a connection between our inner mind and outer being.


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