You can overcome any obstacle - and even see it in a positive way
We all know this feeling of something unexpected happening in our life that makes our world change in fundamental ways from one minute to the other. Thankfully, to most of us, those events don’t happen very often, but if they do, it feels like the ground opens under our feet and time stops for a second. Some say, these kinds of events put things into perspective, however they still are not something particularly enjoyable for each and every one of us. The question is however, how can we learn to cope with them in the best possible way and do we even manage to see some positive aspect for our longer-term growth and development in them?
The answer is, we can, however maybe not immediately in the moment of crisis. Often, we are so overwhelmed facing the new reality and situation we are confronted with, that it needs time to sink in and for us to accept the facts and face the new reality. However, this phase is very important to reflect, understand and cope. Recommended here is to let good and bad moment happen, let emotions come and go freely and also to openly talk or express our fears and concerns to those close to use for the feeling of comfort and assurance that we are not alone in this.
Once the storm then has passed a little bit and we have accepted, a plan of action needs to be drawn up as well as a strong team around us that can help, and support wherever needed. We don’t have to face challenges alone - we can get help as everyone else has experienced certain crisis in their life at some point.
Once all of the above has been done, we finally come to the part of reflection and where we can look at the positives we can get out of this challenge. First if all, seeing challenges positive or negative is a mindset, can however be trained and adjusted. We can move from negativity to positivity and vise versa. In every crisis and challenges there is always something positive, especially once we have overcome or mastered the storm we face. Chrissies can make us more self-confident, worry less about minor things, give us perspective, and make us appreciate our life more. They also often allow u to reflect on our life and make potential changes of things we were unhappy with before but just accepted.
All those positive reflections above, are ways to see situations that knock us off our feet in life in a progressive and positive way. This is important to stay mentally healthy and will lead to be less and less overwhelmed with future challenges in our lives. We can cope with a lot, and it is no problem to fall deep sometimes. What is important is that we get up, progress, and learn. We will ever be able to see everything about a crisis as positive and of course we would still prefer not to face it, however a healthy attitude of “I make the most or the best of the situation” should be our aim.
This positive outlook will also help us to get over crisis easier and get back to our normal life again faster. It will help our recovery and act as a catalyzer for bringing us back on track. Therefore remember, there is something positive in every crisis we face, we just have to find and make the most of it long term to grow and develop!