Things just happen all the time - the question is how you deal with them

Every single day we read about disasters in the news that happen somewhere in the world. This is enough proof to see that things happen or go wrong around us all the time. This is especially true with things that often happen and are out of our control. The first thing to understand is, things always happen- every single day something good or bad happens to people that distracts them in their routine. And that, we cannot stop or influence. However, we can influence how we deal with those things and train or mind for resilience. 

People love routines. We love structure and knowing what is going on in our lives. It makes us feel in control and that we have a well thought out plan. While that is all well and good, those things that happen every day are very good with jeopardising that daily routine that we so long for. Think about it this way - we should be celebrating of a day passes without any major distractions - as this happens so rarely. 

The reason however, why we believe that everything has to always run according to plan, is because everybody around us seems to have all their eggs in order all the time. Well guess what - they don’t. We all have things that really distract us from our day to day and we all experience those things in life that just require our full attention and lead us to not be able to follow our plans or daily routine for a while. And that is ok. 

Once we have established that thing happen around us all the time that distract us from doing everything according to plan, we need to develop a strategy how to deal with this new reality. Things that just happen around us and are out of our control we cannot change or influence. However, we can influence how we deal with that reality and learn to build resilience not to get anxious all the time when our daily routine that is so familiar gets distracted. 

We therefore really have to train to build resilience on how we deal with uncertainty and things sometimes not going our way . This is a skill that will take time to build, however we will learn to reduce our anxiety this way and learn to be happy even if things don’t always end up going to plan. Luckily, most of those distractions are short lived and soon we will be back to the usual similar routine. 

Things always happen around us to distract us from that routine we so like and are so comfortable with. When those distractions come our way, we should not panicking  or be anxious- but find a way to deal with  them until time for our routine is back. It is not what happens to us - it is always how we deal with it mentally. 


Not every crisis in your head is really one…


Things can happen - enjoy the moment